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Traditional Cuisine in Uganda

When you travel you usually look for the accommodation to stay in, the places of interest to visit and the new dishes to taste. Every country has something special in its cuisine, tastes differ, but it’s always a good idea to try something interesting. When you travel to Uganda be ready for the extraordinary meals, that are unlike any others.

Moreover, there are well-organized food tours in Uganda. So if you are bored of parks, safaris and nature, a food tour is right for you. An interesting fact, Uganda is called a food basket of East Africa, which means you won’t be hungry there for sure.

In Uganda, you can try traditional dishes, for most people in the country they are the same and some specific ones that are prepared just in some regions. Taking a food trip you have an opportunity to taste different staple food and also learn secret recipes. So let’s take a look at the various food in Uganda and prepare for future traveling.

As it was already said, the food differs according to the part of the country. So let’s start from the central region of Uganda. The most common food there is Matooke, a dish cooked on steam. The green part of it consists of the banana leaves, that have been prepared earlier. First of all, they are steamed for a while, then they are mashed to make them soft, after it they are put back to the fire to make them softer. Served after been ready with any stew. Grasshoppers, also called Nsenene, are a kind of delicacy for the local people in Uganda. They are usually fried without legs and wings. Ants are also common in this region. Some people eat them right from the hills, some fry before eating, but all in all you cannot miss trying it.

In the eastern part, the sweet potato is the most popular product. The recipe is simple, the potatoes are peeled, wrapped in a banana leaf, then steamed in a pan with water, after placed on the fire to be ready. Usually served with any possible stew. Sometimes the locals fry the sweet potatoes, but frequently in the mornings.

In the western area the Ishabwe is worth trying. It is made from ghee, after keeping milk till it ferments and then the top should be removed. It is usually served with other dishes, like potatoes, Matooke or millet bread.

The north region can offer tourists millet bread and malakwang mixed with ground nuts. Malakwang is a green vegetable, before eating it is boiled, then the water is poured out. Then they add a little bit of water and nut paste.  

Don’t forget about one more pleasure of the food tour, speaking about street food. If we say that you can buy tasty Rolex in Uganda? Yes, that’s it, the Rolex – famous street food in Uganda. It is flat and round, made of the chapatti, which is made of flour. It is fried and after it an egg is added on the top, the final step is to roll it up together. You can add any other ingredients, for example, tomatoes, onion, peppers or meat, etc.

As for breakfast, you should try katogo. It is a great combination of Matooke, beans, ground nuts, meat. The ingredients can be added separately. Some people add ghee to give a special taste to the dish.

One more way is to take a break for the roasted maze. It is one of the top products. The locals and tourists eat it with tea, porridge, or even water. The maize is prepared in a charcoal stove, with a small grill on it.

To enjoy more food, come for the food trip to Uganda. You should think about the trip to get an experience you won’t get anywhere else.